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There is no white suffering, suffering an inch, a strong point. One day, you will laugh and talk about the moment when you collapsed and cried.


"Your name is so beautiful. It must appear on the admission notice. "


The moon will not give light because you are lost in the night.


Don"t lose hope, who can know what kind of surprise tomorrow will be.

5. 人生的高度,不在于起点,而是在于是否追随到终点,一切在于我们自己。

The height of life does not lie in the starting point, but in whether to follow to the end, everything lies in ourselves.

6. 在如此的人生里,为自己写好脚本的人,与庸庸碌碌混日子的人,有着天壤之别。

In such a life, the person who writes the script for himself is quite different from the person who lives in mediocrity.

7. 做有用的事,说勇敢的话,想美好的事,睡安稳的觉。把时间用在进步上,而不是抱怨上。

Do useful things, say brave words, think of good things, sleep well. Spend time on progress, not complaining.

8.“追星 不是看一眼海报然后继续刷着动态打着王者 而是看一眼海报后低头奋笔疾书”

"Star chaser is not to look at the poster and continue to brush the dynamic king, but to look at the poster and then bow down and write fast."


When you feel more tired, Congratulations, you are on the way up

10.你要藏好懦弱 这个世界大雨滂沱 万物苟且而活 无人为你背负更多

You have to hide your cowardice. The world is raining heavily. All things are living. No one has to bear more for you


"Day after day, those who don"t seem to be able to rise, will suddenly one day let people see the meaning of persistence."


"The so-called glorious years are not the days to shine in the future. It"s your paranoia about dreams when no one"s watching. "


"The real effort should be to understand what you are doing, to have self-control that can be put into the moment at all times, rather than being anxious inside and pretending to be sleepless. Most people just try to look busy. "


"Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and do your best"


I want to step on the confusion, through the time, open your eyes, you will hear.

16. 少年的书桌上没有虚度的光阴。

There is no wasted time on the boy"s desk.


It"s hard to study at the same time. How can you be willing to worship the downwind.

18.全力以赴只因 不喜欢输不喜欢被自己辜负。

go all out

Just because I don"t like losing

I don"t like to be let down by myself.


You know what? If you are ready, you will get a sugar.


Little girl said that although learning is hard, it is the way to the future. I hope the sky is still blue and the sun is still warm.


May the moment when you close the pen cover, you have the pride of putting your sword in its sheath.


Five hours of sleep is really pathetic

But six percent is really beautiful.


do your best, the rest to fate, come on!


Time to pass the exam, you can, come on!

I will never regret or complain in the future. Life is full of hope!





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